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InfusAi Solutions Pty Ltd Disclaimer

If you have any inquiries or concerns regarding the disclaimer of our website, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email at

Disclaimer :

The information provided on is intended for general informational purposes and is presented in good faith by InfusAi. However, we cannot guarantee the completeness, reliability, or accuracy of this information. Any action taken based on the information found on this website is solely at your own risk, and InfusAi shall not be held responsible for any losses or damages that may arise from its use.

While we strive to provide ethical and beneficial links to external websites, we do not have control over their content or nature. We do not necessarily endorse the content found on these sites, and their owners and content may change without notice. If you have any concerns regarding the website's content, photographs, or videos, please contact InfusAi immediately at

Any and all contents of the website / photographs / videos provided herein are in confirmation of the laws and agreements entered into by InfusAI group with the parties concerned. Any concern should immediately be reported to InfusAI at

Please be advised that other websites may have different privacy policies and terms when you leave our site. We suggest reviewing their policies before engaging in any business or uploading any information.


When you visit our website, you are giving your consent to our disclaimer and consenting to follow its guidelines and conditions.


If there are any updates, changes, or revisions made to this document, we will prominently display those modifications on this page.